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An original from Tyger-B. This piece was created digitally from scratch with an apple pencil, no stencils, no photo tracing, and no help from the app used to create it. 


Royalty, the shirt for all eyes to enjoy! We took a poll on Instagram and Facebook, and this version of the image took the win! Thank you for your votes and your support.



outside of my website, you can pay in the following ways.

Venmo: @TygerB (Preferred for one time buyers!!)

Venmo allows me to have the full amount. Other parties take more percentage. If you have Venmo, please pay through it. Include your address and size!


Pre-Order Codes (Ends November 1st)

"TygerRoyalty" for 1 shirt

"TygerRoyalty2" for 2 shirts (Add two to the cart!)


Recieve a "Tyger Attachable" with your pre-order!

Stick it to your refrigerator, window, etc. To attach, simply wet the back lightly, and then press. Reattachable!


*All tees will be black with the white owl design after pre-order ends.

Royalty by

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